We are excited to announce our Spring 2023 LuceSEA Webinar Series. Please find below the webinar schedule.
Webinar Schedule:
Webinar 1: Smallholder Definitions, Presents & Futures

Date & Time: February 08, 2023, 3:00-4:30pm HST
Speakers: Nurhady Sirimorok, PhD Candidate, Hasanuddin University; Sumvilary Chanthalounnavong, National University of Laos.
Co-sponsors: UHM Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Michigan State University, Chiang Mai University, Henry Luce Foundation.
With rapid and diverse transformations taking place across Southeast Asia, the conditions of smallholder farming and fishing are increasingly coming into question. From different disciplinary vantage points, this webinar brings together a diverse group of panelists to discuss emerging challenges to smallholder livelihoods. From Cambodia to Indonesia, Vietnam to the Philippines, and more, we examine the ways smallholders are preparing to navigate the future of farming.
Webinar 2: Migrations, Labor & Smallholder Livelihoods

Date & Time: March 08, 2023, 3:00-4:30pm HST
Speakers: Dr. Amanda Flaim, Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, Sociology & James Madison College; Dr. Christina Griffin, Fellow, University of Melbourne Nasrullah, PhD Scholar, University of Mulawarman.
Co-sponsors: UHM Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Michigan State University, Chiang Mai University, Henry Luce Foundation.
Engaging across disciplines and case studies from Southeast Asia, this webinar panel discussion centers migration as an entry point into understanding dynamic landscapes and livelihoods. Complex and varied, seasonal and long term, rural to urban, or distant and across borders, migration not only reshapes places of origin but also remake destinations in distinct ways. Refocusing on migration trends also presents insights into the often overlooked interconnectedness of a complex and rapidly changing region.
Webinar 3: Large Animal Loss & Intrusion in Smallholder Livelihoods
Date & Time: April 05, 2023, 3:00-4:30pm HST
Speakers: TBC
Co-sponsors: UHM Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Michigan State University, Chiang Mai University, Henry Luce Foundation.
Webinar 4: Disease & Zoonosis & Threats to Smallholder Livelihoods
Date & Time: May 03, 2023, 3:00-4:30pm HST
Speakers: TBC
Co-sponsors: UHM Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Michigan State University, Chiang Mai University, Henry Luce Foundation.