We continue exploring how communities in the region are experiencing the economic, social, and cultural dislocations of these transformations. We focus on forests & fields, dams & rivers, roads & lands and the discourse of development.

This series of four webinars explores how communities in the region are experiencing the economic, social, and cultural dislocations of these transformations. We focus on forests, rivers, documentarians and writers, and Imaging Environmental Futures.

This presentation begins with an analysis of the biophysical dimensions of flooding, connecting them with spatial plans, while also centering perspectives from the city’s riverbanks of eviction and relocation.

This seminar delved into the unprecedented but uneven landscape of public participation created across the Lower Mekong Basin through multi-level stakeholder consultations.

This talk described elements of a new project initiated by research collaborators living in and around the Prey Lang Forest, Cambodia

Our Fall 2021 LuceSEA Webinar Series, "Southeast Asia in Transition: Plastic Runs Through It." included four webinars on Southeast Asia topics.

This series of four webinars will explore how communities in the region are experiencing the economic, social, and cultural dislocations of these transformations.

Our LuceSEA program leverages support from existing research projects funded by, among others, by NSF and NASA to enhance engagement with SEA partners through research and training activities.

Nurturing collaboration that crosses boundaries is integral to addressing socio-environmental transformations and help SEA-based early-career colleagues engage with the international academic world.

Luce funding would enable our team
members to make more college-level SEA educational materials accessible to a broader audience online as educational resources (OER) and as credit-bearing courses.